
Talks will be live streamed via Zoom directly to the BioC YouTube channel.

Keynote sessions are 35 min, Short talk sessions (four 10-min talks) are 50 min, Workshops are 45 min. Sessions during the same time slot will be run in parallel. All sessions include Q&A time.

All times are in Central European Summer Time (CEST). -6 hours = US Eastern Time Zone, -9 hours = US Pacific Time Zone, +7 hours = China Time Zone, +10 hours = Australian Time Zone. Time is presented in 24h format. Note March 13 is the start of Daylight Saving Time (Clock forward)

Monday and Tuesday, September 12-13, 2022

Pre-conference Carpentries Course

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Time     Session     Title                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
08:30     Registration     BioQuant, Im Neuenheimer Feld 267, Heidelberg
09:15     Introduction     Welcome, Bioconductor overview, and Code of Conduct
09:40     Keynote     Dr. Shila Ghazanfar: Integrative analyses for spatial genomics data
10:25     Break    
10:30     Short talk     Short talk 1: Co-clustering of Spatially Resolved Transcriptomic Data. Andrea Sottosanti
10:40     Short talk     Short talk 2: Simplified, strand aware and comprehensive splicing analysis using IntEREst (1.22.0). Ali Oghabian
10:50     Short talk     Short talk 3: Differential embedding analysis of multi-condition single-cell datasets. Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze
11:00     Coffee break    
11:30     Short talk     Short talk 4: Clinical microbiome data science with MultiAssayExperiment. Tuomas Borman
11:40     Short talk     Short talk 5: µSTASIS - Assessment of human microbiota stability across longitudinal samples. Pedro Sánchez-Sánchez
11:50     Short talk     Short talk 6: OmicSHIELD: privacy-protected federated omic data analysis in multi-center studies with Bioconductor through DataSHIELD. Juan Ramon Gonzalez
12:00     Short talk     Short talk 7: DepInfeR - A Bioconductor package for Inferring tumor-specific cancer dependencies through integrating ex-vivo drug response assays and drug-protein profiling. Junyan Lu
12:10     Lunch    
13:25     Workshop     Workshop: TBA, Erik Schliep
14:10     Keynote     Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez: Combining multi-omics data and biological knowledge to extract disease mechanisms
14:55     Coffee break    
15:05     Workshop     Workshop 1: The Spectra package: seamless integration of mass spectrometry data from different sources. Johannes Rainer
15:05     Workshop     Workshop 2: benchdamic: benchmarking of differential abundance methods for microbiome data. Matteo Calgaro
15:05     Workshop     Workshop 3: Tools for CITE-seq preprocessing. Helen Lindsay
15:50     Poster session     Evotec poster session and coffee break
16:55     Workshop     Workshop 4: Single-cell multi-modal data handling in R/Bioconductor. Dario Righelli
16:55     Workshop     Workshop 5: Differential abundance analysis for label-free mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Laurent Gatto
16:55     Workshop     Workshop 6: simplifyEnrichment: A Bioconductor Package for Clustering and Visualizing Functional Enrichment Results. Zuguang Gu
17:40     End of Day 1    
19:00     Dinner     Conference dinner at Bremeneck (Hauptstraße 172, 69117 Heidelberg)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Time     Session     Title                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
09:15     Keynote     Dr. Judith Zaugg
10:00     Coffee break    
10:10     Short talk     Short talk 8: Smooth epigenomics data analysis and visualisation with Bioconductor (or: an ode to Rle). Pierre-Luc Germain
10:20     Short talk     Short talk 9: MethQuant: A package providing entropy-based measures for quantifying patterns of DNA methylation heterogeneity in (single-cell) bisulfite sequencing data. Emanuel Sonder
10:30     Short talk     Short talk 10: DeeDee - Evaluating, Visualizing, and Integrating Results from Differential Expression Analysis Workflows. Federico Marini
10:40     Short talk     Short talk 11: Analysing multiplexed assays of variant effects with mutscan. Michael Stadler
10:50     Short talk     Short talk 12: Joint modeling of rare variant genetic effects using deep learning and data-driven burden scores. Brian Clarke
11:00     Coffee break    
11:30     Short talk     Short talk 13: spillR: Causal Modelling of Spillover in Mass Cytometry. Marco Guazzini
11:40     Short talk     Short talk 14: Multi-omic integration with cosmosR and ocEAn to study cross-talks between signalling and metabolism in diseases. Aurelien Dugourd
11:50     Short talk     Short talk 15: A new principled approach for single-cell proteomics data analysis. Laurent Gatto
12:00     Short talk     Short talk 16: Analyzing hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass-spectrometry data in R. Oliver Crook
12:10     Short talk     Short talk 17: CTexploreR, a package to explore CT genes. Axelle Loriot
12:20     Lunch    
13:40     Workshop     Workshop 7: Inference and Analysis of Synteny Networks with syntenet. Fabrício Almeida-Silva
13:40     Workshop     Workshop 8: Single-cell based spatial analysis and visualization of highly multiplexed imaging data. Nils Eling
14:25     Coffee break    
14:35     Keynote     Dr. Michael Dorrity: Developmental robustness of zebrafish embryos at single-cell resolution
15:20     Poster session     GHGA poster session and coffee break
16:20     Short talk     Short talk 19: DifferentialRegulation: a novel approach to identify differentially regulated genes. Simone Tiberi
16:30     Short talk     Short talk 20: Analysis of transposable elements in R and Bioconductor with atena. Beatriz Calvo-Serra
16:40     Short talk     Short talk 21: Inclusive instruction in cancer data science: Authoring and deployment with yes4cure. Alexandru Mahmoud
16:50     Short talk     Short talk 22: miaSim: a time series simulation R package for microbial ecology. Yagmur Simsek
17:00     Discussion     Discussion and plan for Friday

Friday, September 16, 2022

Time     Session     Title                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
09:00     Keynote     Dr. Björn Grüning
09:45     Flashtalks    
10:30     Coffee break    
11:00     Special session     Birds-of-a-Feather, Three parallel sessions
12:00     Lunch    
13:00     Special session     Birds-of-a-Feather, Three parallel sessions
14:30     Coffee break    
14:50     End of Day 3     Closing remarks

Poster information

The poster format should be A0, portrait. You need to bring Powerstrips / Posterstrips with you to bond your poster to the poster board.